
Care for an Apricot Tree

Apricots are one of the most beautiful creations of Mother Nature. Sweet and juicy, sweet and very nice, sweet. Growth requires a little skill and patience, but worth it. Here is how to ensure your fruit trees, apricot and collection of succulents.

Contact the local varieties of apricot garden club is right for your region. Apricot best on the Pacific coast, as the "Blenheim" and "Tilton," but there are some species that are well in climates in Western and South-East as the "Goldcot" and "Wilson Delicious."

Select the positioning of your apricot tree in well-drained soil. It can grow to grow as a fan of the formation of a large tree on the wall. Make sure you are in the south wall, to protect the flowers of spring. It can also grow an apricot tree, a dwarf in a hot climate, if protected from cold winds.

Fertilize the flowers of the apricot. Since the beginning of flowering apricot, pollinating insects in order. Dab a small brush to paint the flowers open every two days or more to pollinate the flowers yourself.

Prune in spring when growth begins, or a fan or a dwarf tree. Remember, fruit trees have wood per year. (See related article eHow, and "How do I prune a dwarf tree," How to prune a tree fans. ")

Beautiful like the branches of your tree to be balanced with plenty of fruit. Make sure that the stones (pits) are formed before dilution.

Feeding your apricots in late winter or early spring before growth begins. Spread the fertilizer evenly in a little "spreading of the largest branches.

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